第二届库布其奖:大学宣讲会 香港教育大学:『全球暖化、气候变迁』环境、社会及管治(ESG)策略

第二屆庫布其獎:大學簡介會 —— 香港教育大學



The Second Kubuqi Award: University Briefing Session - EdUHK

Global Warming & Climate Change: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Strategies & Trends

The very first university briefing session of the Kubuqi Award took place in The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), focusing on the theme of "ESG Strategies under Global Warming & Climate Change". We have Mr. Joe Chau, Head of Sustainable Development of Friends of the Earth (HK), introducing corporate ESG and how it assists corporate in reaching sustainable development. Additionally, Mr. Plato Yip, Vice Chairman of Elion International Investment, joined us remotely to present the new era of the Green Economy, discuss alternative career opportunities with students, and introduce the Kubuqi Model as a successful example of sustainable desert development.



關於億利公益基金 Elion Foundation



關於Treelion Foundation

由億利國際投資有限公司孵化的Treelion Foundation 於2019年在新加坡正式註冊成立,是全球最大的綠色生態基金之一。基金會計畫利用區塊鏈技術,構建可持續發展和低碳綠色數字經濟平臺。


如有垂詢或欲安排專訪,請聯絡:Kate Mo 武悅艷小姐(電話:6842 9909)或 Tony Chan 陳穎正先生(電話:6891 6883)